Phone: 360.877.5463 ext. 213
Welcome to the Hood Canal Library!

My name is Melanie Lankford, and I am the Librarian-Teacher at the Hood Canal School.
Library Catalog and Information
The Hood Canal Library’s Book Management System is Destiny Discover. To search our collection, place holds, and more - please click on this link:

Timberland Anywhere Library
Hood Canal School is now a Timberland Anywhere Library site! The book van checks out books to students in grades 6-8, and also provides the Library with extra e-book readers and books for younger students. The TRL Book Van visits the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday of every month.
Timberland Library E-Resources
Students in grades 3-8 have access to the Timberland Library’s educational e-resources. These e-resources contain useful databases for students to conduct research, look at current and historical maps, learn languages via Mango, and find info on careers. Timberland Library E-Resources-Teen
Free Books for Kids
The Hood Canal School District welcomes donations of gently used books (please drop off in the office during school hours, or in the Library after school hours - thank you)! We have two locations where the books will be distributed - for younger children (PK-K), there is a wooden box in the foyer of the school that houses free books for kids. Inside the entry door of our school, we have a table that has free books for students of all ages as well.
Imagination Library
If you have children under the age of 5, please sign them up for the Imagination Library! You will receive free books each month thanks to the generosity of Dolly Parton and other nonprofits that make this possible! Imagination Library Info and Enrollment Link