Business Office

Jeanie Beebe

Jeanie Beebe
Director of Finance and Operations

[email protected]

360.877.5463 ext. 204

Business Services

We support student learning by facilitating the receipt and prudent expenditure, tracking and reporting of district revenues and expenses in compliance with board policy and applicable laws.

Who We Are
We consist of Accounting, Budget and Finance, Purchasing, Risk Management, Personnel, and Audit and Internal Controls.

What We Do
Support the day-to-day business and operations activities of Hood Canal School District by
Providing financial planning and management services
Process and maintain budgets for all Funds
Receiving and depositing payments
Purchasing goods and services
Paying vendors and reimbursing employees
Invoicing for services the District provides
Process monthly payroll for staff
Report personnel to State of Washington
Accounting for revenues and expenditures
Grant accounting and claiming
Ensuring compliance with applicable laws
Managing risk